Nighttime diaper changes present parents with a conundrum: do you disturb their rest for a damp diaper? While many babies will need nighttime diaper changes until they’re sleeping through the night consistently, if your little one can handle a feeding without leaks or discomfort, there’s no need for a 2am diaper swap.
At Harbor, we’re all about maximizing precious sleep. One way to accomplish restoring your sleep and sanity is through fewer diaper changes, especially in the middle of the night. Read on for expert tips to help baby sleep with fewer diaper-related interruptions as well as strategies for minimizing the impact of those inevitable midnight changes.
How to know if baby needs a nighttime diaper change
For younger babies who still need nighttime feeds, more frequent diaper changes may be necessary to prevent leaks. Changing their diaper before feeding can set the stage for an easier transition back to sleep.
Once baby is sleeping through the night and no longer needs a night feed (or is in the process of weaning off of a night feed), you can wait until morning to change their diaper. The exception, of course, is if they’ve pooped or have soaked through their diaper, particularly if it’s preventing them from going back to sleep.
5 tips for stretching nighttime diaper changes

1. Choose high-quality nighttime diapers
Look for diapers specifically designed for overnight use and consider going up one size for extra absorbency. Ensure that the diaper tabs are securely fastened around baby's lower belly and that the leg ruffles are positioned outward to prevent leaks.
2. Use diaper boosters
If leaks persist, try using a diaper booster, also known as a diaper doubler or insert. These add an additional layer of absorbency to the diaper, which can help keep baby dry throughout the night.
3. Apply a skin barrier
Wet and soiled diapers can irritate baby's delicate skin and lead to painful diaper rash. Consider applying a skin barrier, such as diaper rash cream or petroleum jelly, to provide an extra layer of protection against irritation.
4. Choose clothing with two-way zippers
Sleep sacks, swaddles, and onesies with two-way zippers can make nighttime diaper changes easier and less disruptive. These let you quickly access baby's diaper without fully undressing them, allowing them to stay comfortable and sleepy.
5. Protect their mattress
To manage nighttime accidents more easily, use a waterproof mattress protector or pad underneath a fitted sheet. You can also consider doubling up on mattress protectors and keeping a spare, clean sheet readily available to quickly address any leaks or spills during the night.
As always, the sheet should fit snugly over the mattress. Read our safe sleep tips here.
3 Tips for managing nighttime diaper changes
1. Use dim lighting
Keep baby’s room as dark as possible during nighttime diaper changes. Harbor’s Sleep Experts recommend the Hatch Rest light, which can be programmed with a dim red light that’s less disruptive than blue or white light.
2. Keep everything within reach
Keep a diaper caddy stocked with everything you’ll need for baby’s diaper change, as well as clean pajamas, sleep sacks, and sheets. This way, diaper changes can be quick and don’t require you to rifle through drawers to find what you need.
5. Keep it quick
The faster you can change baby’s diaper, the faster they’ll get back to sleep. Minimize eye contact and refrain from talking to them to reduce disruptions and encourage them to stay drowsy.
Once your baby is in a clean diaper and fully dressed, place them back in their crib and leave the room. If your little one is used to falling asleep on their own, they should be able to self-soothe. However, if they have trouble drifting off, our team of sleep coaches are ready to assist. We offer individualized sleep guidance, connecting you with experienced pediatric nurses and infant experts.
How independent sleep can help
As baby learns to fall asleep on their own, sleep quality improves for both you and your little one. Roadblocks are inevitable, but Harbor’s team of infant care experts can coach you through them. Harbor’s unique combination of comprehensive monitoring with failsafe notifications and access to expert sleep support allows you to rest easy, knowing you can be there if and when baby needs your help.